This film is the first Hungarian sound film. a very rare gem of east european cinema. Béla Gaál: Director. He read law in Budapest, then in 1913 he completed the course on acting of the National Association for Acting. In 1914 he published a volume of poetry entitled Kóborlások. In 1918 he founded the Madách Theatre, which he became the director of. Between 1920-27 he is the director of Star. At the end of the silent film era he returned to the stage and became the leading director of Belvárosi Színház (Theatre of the Inner City). After the sound picture was introduced his interest turned towards the cinema again. He was the Director of the film school of the National Association for Films and he himself lectured. His true genre is comedy. He called attention to himself back in the twenties with a burlesque made based on the script of Lajos Zilahy, Rongyosok. There are two memorable movie hits associated with his name: Meseautó (1934) and the Budai cukrászda (1935), having become a great name and pouring out the false romantic of the General Director and the typist. He filmed Jókai novNM: Geiger, Will Born William Francis Geiger, New Rochelle New York. Lived all over the U.S. and Europe as the son of an undercover F.B.I. Agent. Attended Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts in London, England, UK. Attended Orange Coast Film/Video Academy. While at Orange Coast, wrote and directed "In Love and War" which won Silver Plaque at Chicago Film Festival. Worked in Rome, Italy as a Director's Apprentice. Wrote and Directed "Red Man" through Fly Filmmaking Program at the Seattle Film Festival. "Red Man" premiered on the Independent Film Channel's Shorts Program.
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有关 “心底的女孩” 相关的问答.
问:影片《心底的女孩》的导演是谁?答:影片中《心底的女孩》的导演是“ Béla,Gaál ”,他是一位才华横溢的导演,已经执导了多部杰出的作品,每一部都展现出了他的独特视角和精湛技艺。他的作品不仅在票房上取得了巨大的成功,同时也获得了观众和评论家的一致好评。他的导演才华使得他能够将普通的题材转化为令人惊叹的视觉盛宴,让观众沉浸其中,流连忘返。他的作品不仅展示了他的导演才华,也证明了他的艺术造诣和对于电影艺术的深刻理解。
问:影片《心底的女孩》有哪些演员?答:影片中《心底的女孩》有 (Pál,Jávor,Gusztáv,Vándory,玛莎·艾格丝,György,Pálffy,Aranka,Gazdy,Gyula,Stella,Mercedes,Zombory,Sándor,Pethes,Géza,Berczy)等演员。
问:影片《心底的女孩》的评价怎么样?网友A:没想到导演是“ Béla,Gaál ”的作品非常不错,经过“ ”有趣的改变+杜撰,故事剧情引人入胜,犹如过山车般跌宕起伏,让人欲罢不能。观影过程中,你会情不自禁地屏住呼吸,全程无尿点,完全沉浸在剧情的海洋中。这部影片的剧情环环相扣,犹如拼图游戏般引人入胜,激发你对该剧发展产生无限遐想。在豆瓣影评上,这部作品拥有超过一万条评论,可见其深受观众喜爱。如果你正在寻找一部不容错过的影片,那么这部作品绝对值得一看。网友B:这部影片的剧情发展令人难以预测,故事情节跌宕起伏,让观众如同坐过山车一样,刺激不断。剧情的每一个环节都精彩绝伦,让人忍不住想要知道接下来会发生什么。在豆瓣上,这部电影的影评数量超过一万条,足以证明它深受观众喜爱。如果你正在寻找一部充满惊喜的电影,那么这部影片绝对不容错过。