A major portion of "Cigarettes and Coffee" was later adapted, expanded and basically re-made into p.t. Anderson's first feature film, "Hard Eight". The most interesting part of "Cigarettes" was later used as the first scene for "Hard Eight"--in both Phillip Baker Hall's character interrogates a young drifter in a roadside diner and explains a few things about life and the art of conversation to him. In "Hard Eight" the two then go on to have a father-son type relationship in a fairly straightforward narrative (the most straightforward of any of p.t.'s later films). Here in the seminal "Cigarettes and Coffee", however, Baker Hall's conversation with the young man is only one of three happening simultaneously in the diner. P.T. cuts between the three, and we soon learn that the lives of the three seemingly-unrelated sets of characters do actually intersect in unexpectd ways. In this way, the short film is much more like the director's recent Altman-inspired "Magnolia" than it it either "Hard Eight" or "Boogie Nights." "Cigarettes and Coffee" has played on The Sundance Channel (or was it The Independent Film Channel?) quite frequently.
有关 “香烟与咖啡” 相关的问答.
问:影片《香烟与咖啡》的导演是谁?答:影片中《香烟与咖啡》的导演是“ 克利斯提·普优 ”,他是一位才华横溢的导演,已经执导了多部杰出的作品,每一部都展现出了他的独特视角和精湛技艺。他的作品不仅在票房上取得了巨大的成功,同时也获得了观众和评论家的一致好评。他的导演才华使得他能够将普通的题材转化为令人惊叹的视觉盛宴,让观众沉浸其中,流连忘返。他的作品不仅展示了他的导演才华,也证明了他的艺术造诣和对于电影艺术的深刻理解。
问:影片《香烟与咖啡》有哪些演员?答:影片中《香烟与咖啡》有 (米密·布勒内斯库,米海·布勒蒂勒,维克托·雷本久克)等演员。
问:影片《香烟与咖啡》的评价怎么样?网友A:没想到导演是“ 克利斯提·普优 ”的作品非常不错,经过“ ”有趣的改变+杜撰,故事剧情引人入胜,犹如过山车般跌宕起伏,让人欲罢不能。观影过程中,你会情不自禁地屏住呼吸,全程无尿点,完全沉浸在剧情的海洋中。这部影片的剧情环环相扣,犹如拼图游戏般引人入胜,激发你对该剧发展产生无限遐想。在豆瓣影评上,这部作品拥有超过一万条评论,可见其深受观众喜爱。如果你正在寻找一部不容错过的影片,那么这部作品绝对值得一看。网友B:这部影片的剧情发展令人难以预测,故事情节跌宕起伏,让观众如同坐过山车一样,刺激不断。剧情的每一个环节都精彩绝伦,让人忍不住想要知道接下来会发生什么。在豆瓣上,这部电影的影评数量超过一万条,足以证明它深受观众喜爱。如果你正在寻找一部充满惊喜的电影,那么这部影片绝对不容错过。